Category Archives: 2014

Portland Scout Service Center Closed Due To Weather Thursday, November 13th

Due to the weather, the Portland Scout Service Center will be closed today. As the day progresses, any additional office and/or meeting adjustments will be posted at

Wood Badge Changes in the Troop Requirements for Journey to Excellence for 2015


If you have thought about attending Wood Badge, or even if you haven’t yet…there is a Night of Wood Badge dinner this week. It will be Friday, November 14th at Golda’s Kitchen on Scouters Mountain. The cost is $10 and includes dinner. You can register at through November 13th.

Attend and get more information on this “Avvesome” leadership development course.

In a post by Robin Stoekler, 2015 Wood Badge Course Director…

At the Area 1 Training Conference this weekend we learned of a change to the 2015 Journey to Excellence requirements that affects Troops wishing to achieve the Gold status:
Trained leadership:
Bronze: Have a trained and engaged leaders at all levels.
Scoutmaster and assistants have completed an orientation and youth protection training.
Silver: Achieve Bronze, plus the Scoutmaster and 60% of assistants have completed position-specific training or, if new, will complete within three
months of joining.
GOLD: Achieve Silver, plus two-thirds of active committee members must have completed Troop Committee Challenge and at least one person has attended Wood Badge.…/JourneyT…/scorecards/2015.aspx

Ft Clatsop District Roundtable,


ROUNDTABLE: Thursday – November 13 – First Lutheran Church – 725 33rd St, Astoria

(There is a special secret “reward” for every unit in the district represented by a leader or committee person at roundtable this month! Please bring with you a list of current active youth!)

Boy Scout/ Crew breakout:  Training Your Scout; Scouting for Food; Scoutmasters Minute

Cub Scout breakout: Core Value for December: Stars and Stripes; Pack Good Turns; Scouting for Food

Pinewood Derby; How to make a Red Vest for all those extra patches! 

Scout Troops, packs and crews – have you signed up for Summer Camp or Winter Lodge yet? 

Don’t hesitate to call Karen Gill if you have a question. 503-325-2990

A Thank You to Veterans Involved in Scouting

A message from Karen Gill, our local Scout Coordinator, to those Scouters who are also Veterans…

Today my heart is full of gratitude to each of you involved in scouting who is serving or who has served or has sons and daughters serving in our military – Thank You!  You are in every unit of scouting in the Ft. Clatsop District and your influence is greatly felt!

Special thoughts to Troop 211 Scoutmaster Keith Townsend – currently deployed in Afghanistan – we are all awaiting your safe return!

Local Scouts Participate in Seaside’s Veterans Day Ceremony

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Members of Seaside’s Pack 540 and Troop 642 had the honor of being the Color Guard for Seaside’s Veterans Day Ceremony.

As a special treat they also met and shook hands with Bill Thomas, our local Pearl Harbor survivor.

Local Scouts Participate in a Veterans Celebration

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Sunday, November 9th, scouts from Seaside’s Pack 540, Seaside’s Troop 642 and Warrenton’s Troop 509 honored Veterans. The Seaside Elks Lodge and Seaside American Legion hosted a Veterans Celebration.

Pack 540 members Toby T, Hunter K and Cubmaster David Kautz had the honor of being the color guard. Troop 642 scout Tyler T called colors. Troop 509 scout Will K ended the evening playing Taps.

Property plan completed and approved

The comprehensive process by numerous volunteers to develop a long-range property plan for Cascade Pacific Council has reached its conclusion with a final plan presented to, and accepted by, the council executive board. The long-range planning process included collecting information and data about every council property, receiving survey and in-person input from thousands of volunteers, and the development of a plan for the future to guide facility and fundraising committees. The final plan and a summary of the most recent member survey can be viewed at

Scout nights at the Moda Center

The Portland Trail Blazers are excited to once again team up with the local Cub/Boy Scouts to offer three great nights of high-flying basketball action as well as special experiences for all Scouts, families and friends.

January 10th vs Orlando Magic @ 7:00PM – The first 100 participants to purchase tickets to this game are invited to play on the Blazers court before the game from 1:30-2:30pm, doors open at 1pm. The first troop to buy 40+ tickets will also get to high-5 the Trail Blazers as they enter the court after halftime.

February 27th vs Oklahoma City Thunder @ 7:30PM – All Scouts, families and friends are invited to stay after the game to shoot a free throw on the Blazers court and watch a movie on the big screen! The first troop to buy 40+ tickets will also get to participate in that night’s Anthem Buddies (limited to 12 participants).

March 28th vs Denver Nuggets @ 7:00PM – The first 200 participants to purchase tickets to this game are invited to “Training Camp” at the Moda Center from 1:30-3:30pm. There will be 4 challenging fast-paced stations throughout the arena to complete!


For more information contact: Group Tickets Hotline, 503-797-9637or

Venturing Leadership Award

In accordance with the current printing of the Venturing Awards and Requirements book, adults may be nominated for the Venturing Leadership Award for the 2014 nomination year only.

For all nominations, remember to attach the letters of recommendation and brief essay as to why the individual should be recognized. Incomplete or late nominations will not be considered. All Council nominations are due no later than January 31, 2015: Venturing Leadership Award, Cascade Pacific Council, 2145 SW Naito Parkway, Portland 97201. If you have questions or wish to submit your nomination electronically, please contact Mrs. S.

Beginning January 1, 2015, the policy will return to allowing only youth members to be nominated for this award. Adult Venturing leaders will still be eligible to earn the Unit Leader Award of Merit.

A night of Wood Badge

Do you want the Bobwhites to Win?
A Night of Wood Badge Friday November 14th, 2014
Is there a Beaver in the HOUSE! Come celebrate your inner critter, Smell the smoke, fan the flames and share your stories at the 2014 A Night of Wood Badge dinner at Golda’s Kitchen Scouters Mountain, November 14th 6-8:30pm. Those Scouters interested in participating in a Wood Badge Course are encouraged to attend. Currently, the flock of Bobwhites has a commanding lead. Come on you Herds, Colonies, Parliments, Aeries, Leashes and Sleuths. Don’t let the Bevy win!
The Program will be filled with shenanigans from current and past Wood Badge Staff. This event is also for all those interested in learning about Wood Badge and those considering attending. Sign up online